Thursday, December 13, 2018

Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Freud was born to a middle class jewish family in 1856. His professional life at first wasn't a success at first. As a medical student he did things such as dissect eels to try and find their reproductive organs (unsuccessfully) and even promoted cocaine as a medical drug but that turned out to be a dangerous and addictive idea. Years later after this he founded the discipline that would make his name; the psychological medicine that he called psychoanalysis. This landmark study was his 1900 book "the interpretation of dreams" and was followed by many more afterwards.

Despite his success however he himself was often unhappy himself; even recording in some of his most strenuous research "the chief patient I am pre-occupied with, is myself". He suffered with anxieties and paranoia particularly about the year he would die. It has been led to believe that through his own frustrations, Freud achieved a series of great insights to the sources of human unhappiness. He proposed that humans are all driven by something called the pleasure principle; which inclines us towards easy,psychical and emotional rewards.

As infants humans are mostly driven by the pleasure principle as argued by freud. but if left to wander without any restraints it can lead to things such as eating too much or not doing any work or even go to such extremes as trying to sleep with members of your own family. Humans are supposed to adapt to something that freud called the reality principle; the ability of the mind to assess the reality of the external world, and to act upon it accordingly, as opposed to acting on the pleasure principle. Though humans have to bow to the reality principle, Freud believed there were better or worst kind of adaptions. He called the troublesome ones neuroses.

Neuroses are the results of faulty negotiatians (or repression of) the pleasure principle. Freud described a conflict between 3 parts of the mind. The Id-driven by the pleasure principle, The superego;driven by the desire to follow the rules and do the right think according to society and the ego; which somehow has to accommodate between the other two. To understand more, freud advised to think back to the origins of neuroses in childhood.

When growing up humans go through something called the oral phase; where humans deal with feelings toward ingestion of eating.

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